Chapter 1: From the New Parallel Currency of the Banknotes to the Industrial Revolution
Appearance of the banknote in the 17th century
Loan multiplication and the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century
The Bank of England and its banknotes in the 18th century
Historical Correlation: Industrial Revolution outside the interference of government
Chapter 2: Parallel Currencies: Hiccups of the 18th century
Banknotes discredited in France after 1720
Debacle of the “continentals” in the US around 1780
Collapse of the assignats of the French revolution
Historical Correlation: Monetary mismanagement and money illusion
Chapter 3: Alternative Currencies: Escaping the Government
The black market: a ceiling on taxation
Historical Correlation: Economists overlook parallel economies and their potential to reduce inequalities
Chapter 4: A New Currency for a Parallel Economy
Taxes on green products: entangled in the system
A tax-free parallel market
A new gray-money to supervise the green‑market
Make the rich pay more
Historical Correlation: A monetary solution to reduce inequalities and contain global warming?